Sunday, May 24, 2020
Symptoms And Treatment Of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Contested illnesses are disorders in which sufferers claim to have a specific illness that doctors do not acknowledge as medical (Conrad and Barker 2010). These illnesses are not associated with any recognized physical abnormalities which causes them to be not taken seriously. In addition, the tension between lay and medical understanding with regards to the cultural legitimation of symptoms can be exemplified with these disorders. The contested illness I chose to focus on in this paper is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. It will be examined the different criteria this disorder have that resulted it to be classified as a contested illnesses, as well as explore the social constructionist perspective in respect to this disorder. Moreover, it will be answered whether there is a gender dynamic involved in this condition in addition to the contribution big Pharma might or might not have. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, also known as CFS, falls under the category of contested disorders. These illnesses express numerous concerns about the reliability and consistency of the criteria applied to diagnose such disorders. CFS involves persistent inexplicable fatigue that often includes some sort of headache, muscle or joint pain, fever, sore throat, difficulty in concentrating, memory loss and dizziness (Ware 1992). Despite these symptoms, CFS fails to present any empirical diagnostic indicators, since it is not related with any recognized physical abnormality, making it susceptible to socialShow MoreRelatedFibromyalgia Research Paper777 Words  | 4 PagesAbnormal Psychology Research paper Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS) is a musculoskeletal illness (which causes chronic pain) and a chronic Fatigue disorder. It can also change sleep patterns and cause the following: digestive disorders, chronic headaches, painful menstrual periods, temperature sensitivity, morning stiffness, numbness or tingling of extremities, and even cognitive memory problems. The name fibromyalgia comes from fibro in Latin meaning tissue, my in Greek meaningRead MoreChronic Fatigue Syndrome During Pregnancy1064 Words  | 5 Pages Chronic Fatigue Syndrome During Pregnancy What is a chronic Fatigue Syndrome? CFS or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (also known as Myalgic Encephalomyelitis- ME and as Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome -CFIDS) as the name express, chronic means long term and fatigue means tiredness, is characterized by extreme tiredness that will not pass off by taking rest. What are the symptoms of CFS? The symptoms of CFS vary from person to person. The most common symptom is tiredness, whichRead MoreA Summary Of I-Charge1358 Words  | 6 Pagestill the end of the study. Characteristics of treatment in both trial and placebo groups are described in Table.2 with the level of compliance and the medication regime during the study period. It is observed that women subjects constituted 90% in both Treatment and Placebo groups. 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Since glucocorticoids stimulate the liver to convert amino acids to glucose, this leads to a rise in blood glucose concentration and can reduce the sensitivity of target tissues to insulin (p. 341). Jacquelyn Ferguson’s article â€Å"Does Cortisol Cause Weight Gain, Depression and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?†in Corporate Wellness Magazine explores the negative side effects of chronic cortisol levels on theRead MoreEssay Fibromyalgia1591 Words  | 7 Pages2012 Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS) is a debilitating neurological disorder characterized by chronic widespread pain and fatigue. It affects approximately 2% of the population, and is more common in women than in men. Central nervous system sensitization affects the entire body, leading to many secondary symptoms. This paper will cover the history, symptoms, and causes of FMS as well as known treatments and exercise prescription for the syndrome. 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In 1991, the United States took action in the Gulf War, where many US solders were sent. In fact, a total of 697,000 solders took part in the Gulf War. And of that amount, 6% (about 45,000) veterans have reported an ailment related to this war. Much chaos arose from these sicknesses, and from this a syndrome was born. The syndrome is called the Gulf War Syndrome. Wether this is myth
Thursday, May 14, 2020
The Dark Side of Standardized Testing - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 807 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2019/06/24 Category Management Essay Level High school Tags: Standardized Testing Essay Did you like this example? Each year, students take standardized tests. Standardized tests assess a students performance and inform what the school needs to focus on to increase students scores. Instead of spending a large amount of time taking standardized tests, it should lessen because standardized tests develop little to no skills to a students learning, and they are also unfair and unreliable. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Dark Side of Standardized Testing" essay for you Create order Students should develop skills that will assist them in the real world because they are the future, and the skills they develop throughout high school will help them prepare for jobs. Even though standardized tests are necessary, students receive little to no skills from them, and they are especially unfair to students who come from low-income families and non-English speaking students, which explains the reason behind their low scores. All students take the exact test, no matter what a students background is; however, have states thought about it? Not every single student who lives in the United States can speak fluent English and understand the language completely. This could be one of the reasons English-language learners do not do well on standardized tests. Based on a statistic, it states, ELLs typically perform 20-40 percentage points below other students on statewide assessments (Menken 4). The state has to understand that standardized tests are putting non-English speaking students under pressure due to their low levels of English abilities: to read it, to speak it, and to understand it when written, read, and spoken. Also, if their scores are low, they put pressure on ELL teachers by changing the way how they should teach those students English, so that they can do well and improve their scores on standardized tests. Furthermore, due to their low scores, their scores are being used to make high-stake decisi ons (Menken 4). Since schools are worried about the money and funds from the government, this supports the idea that ELL students are being put under pressure because schools want them to perform better on standardized tests. Therefore, standardized testing is unfair to non-English speaking students because of their low levels of English skills. Next, taking standardized tests are just a waste of time!! Most of the time students spent taking standardized tests should have been used for learning in the classroom. Some researchers believe that standardized tests neglect the area of higher-order thinking skills, and those are the skills students will need to develop and skills that will help students in the real world and solve real-world problems (Bhattacharyya et al.). Employers will not care if someone can answer a multiple choice question correctly. They care to know if that person has the skills and experience to meet the expectations of the job and can work collaboratively with other people or independently. So, the time used for testing should have been used to develop beneficial skills, skills that students will need in the future and skills that will assist them along the way, such as collaborative, communication, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. Thus, students time should be used in the classroom to lear n and develop skills that will benefit them in the future than using their time to take standardized tests. When comparing students who come from middle-and high-class families from students who come from low-class families, it is evident that students who come from low-income families perform poorly on standardized tests. This is because most of the questions asked on the test are general knowledge that is gained in most middle-and upper-class homes (Bhattacharyya et al.). Students who come from middle-and high-class families have resources available at home that had already help them prepare for those standardized tests. Compared to students who come from low-class families, they do not have the resources available to them. This means that middle-and high-class students can gain more knowledge and skills than low-income students, which explains why test scores of low-income students are low. Thus, states should start making tests that can assess both low, middle-and high-class students and not leaving low-income students behind because that is just unfair! Consequently, the availability of resources and books at home would affect a students overall performance on standardized tests and that states should start making tests fair and equal. States should start to focus less on standardized testing because it harms a students ability to develop skills that will be necessary in the real world and puts non-English speaking and low-income students behind. Standardized testing is unjust to non-English speaking students due to their low levels of English comprehension and low-income students due to the unavailability of resources at home. Because of their backgrounds, it leaves them behind ones who can understand English well and ones who have resources available. In the end, standardized testing does not help build a students skills and prepare them for future careers. Therefore, one could clearly see why standardized tests are not worth a portion of students time.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Foolproof Ielts Essay Topics Samples Strategy
The Foolproof Ielts Essay Topics Samples Strategy If you do so, your essay wouldn't have as a great deal of flow as it's required. Thus don't get intimidated if you believe you can't write such essays. Our sample essay has a very simple but great introduction in which it demonstrates that the examinee has knowledge of this issue and clearly states the writer's position to prepare the remainder of the essay. A well-structured essay has an excellent introduction, body paragraphs that are simple to follow and connect together, and a great conclusion. To find the best grade, you will need to be sure that you comprehend the question and organize your essay correctly. The candidate should stay prepared for different sorts of essays also. There are a few special instructions you must adhere to that mention in the paper, but what you've got to do in between 40 minutes. Write a letter explaining why you'd be beneficial for the job. Likewise instead of employing the verb to get', you may use many potent words like acquire, obtain or receive. Seeing too many parts of advertisement is believed by many experts to be the reason for excessive consumerism. Ielts Essay Topics Samples Can Be Fun for Everyone In the IELTS writing test, you cannot write your essay as though you're talking to someone. Looking at IELTS essay topics with answers is an excellent method to assist you to get ready for the test. Adding a number of the winning elements from the sample essays below will supply you with the additional marks you will need to be a high-scorer on the IELTS. Writing test is just one of the most troublesome tests to score an 8 band. Life After Ielts Essay Topics Samples Other folks claim that it's far better to start work after school and earn experience in the realm of work. Life skills are extremely important and by doing voluntary work, students may learn to communicate with others and work in a team but also how to control their time and enhance their organisation abilities. It's hard for any persons to accept a partner that does not have money or no less than a job to deal with future family. It's hard for any persons to accept a partner who doesn't have money or no less than a job to manage their upcoming family. The Hidden Gem of Ielts Essay Topics Samples Hence, it's said, marry for money is right in some degree. Oil and coal are the principal sources of energy in many nations. For example, Skype and Facebook make it feasible that people interact in ways which were never before possible. Stud ents will also get more respect towards work and money since they will realise it is not that simple to earn them and hopefully will learn how to spend them in a more practical way. Furthermore, if your own ideas are included in the major body paragraphs, then it's really hard to distinguish your own ideas from what other individuals believe (as you should discuss what others think). Only utilize words you're confident about. Making it too complex isn't a great thing either. Another aspect to think about is the theme or topic question you're answering. By way of example, I, you, me, your, unless you're writing the conclusion in which you're permitted to elaborate your opinion on the topic issue. Choosing first or third person for a storytelling procedure is all up to you. The very first thing which differs about a brief story and an essay is they are two different genre's. The Downside Risk of Ielts Essay Topics Samples On occasion the question may ask your stance for an argument then require that you write about another question. A good deal more little points about the topic can be discussed. If you're not acquainted with a topic, utilize the web to learn more. Be aware you need to have a solution for each one of the problems mentioned in the essay to accomplish a great score in task response. The Pain of Ielts Essay Topics Samples Other people think that children that are taught to co-operate as opposed to compete become more useful adults. Some people believe parents have an outstanding influence on their children. They think that a sense of competition in children should be encouraged. They believe that environmental problems are too big for individuals to deal with, and that action is needed from the government while others think that individuals should take some action. If you are prepping for the IELTS essay, you are going to learn just what I mean. Using complex sentences should be exceedingly explicit. Secondly, obviously, you require good English! When you prepare for the Reading section, it's better for you whether you read an excessive amount of context in English. Some people believe young folks should go to university, though other men and women say that they ought to skip university and go straight to get the job done. They claim that students should focus on the subjects that they are interested or in best at, while others believe that should learn all school subjects. Likewise don't forget that every student differs and creative approaches may also be highly helpful. In some countries students who don't behave are requested to leave the school permanently.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Child Obesity Essay Example For Students
Child Obesity Essay The children of today are becoming more obese, for the fact that they are obtaining laziness. They are spending more time in front of the television then they are getting their daily exercise. Their growing bodies need exercise to lose baby fat before it gets to be a serious problem. The growth of technology has formed a major impact on the obesity of todays children. This technology has substituted normal childhood play exercises with computer games that take less physical effort. Because of technology in todays society the problem with Child Obesity Essay has become tremendously intensified. First, what is child obesity? The term child obesity means a child is a person between birth and puberty and obese is extremely fat: corpulent (The American Heritage Dictionary 265,856). This disease is caused due to a lack of exercise and over-eating by a child. Child obesity can cause many medical problems for a child that suffers from such a disease. Obesty is a widespread disease that is growing incredibly worse as technology increases. Furthermore, it is obvious that the lack of exercise has a major part to do with child obesity; scientists blame the television for a substitute to outdoor sports. Kids are spending more time watch television than they are doing physical activities. The findings strongly support the notion that the most important lifestyle factor in childhood obesity is television watching (Monmaney). The television brings the childs imagination to life, giving them entertainment to do without the running and exercising of outdoor sports. The more television a child watches the more obese the child will get. Next, the problem is getting so out of hand that the government is going to have to start getting involved. Satcher and Shirley Watkins, the undersecretary of agriculture for food, nutrition and consumer services said that, TV increases obesity, stifles creativity and shortens attention spans among young people' (Bauder). This is their reason for joining the campaign for a TV-Free America. It is estimated that an obese child watches an average of four hours and nine minutes of television each day. That is four hours that a child could be bonding with their family or taking action in some physical activity. Thus, problem with child obesity starts as young as infancy. If the childs parents do not stress exercise the child will find an alternative way to occupy their time. For example, playing a game cartridge rather than shooting hoops or flying a kite. The game cartridge provides cheap entertainment with very little fitness involved. Ross Andersen recommends that parents find alternatives to watching television for their children (Joseph). A parent should do anything possible to get their kids away from the television. Ether by making daily plans with timed intervals limiting the amount of television the child can watch or signing them up for YMCA sport activities. Even if the parent has a busy work schedule, make time to benefit the child. Although, there are numerous amounts of prescription drugs for child obesity, the side affects are too risky for the younger child. The easiest way to solve this well-known disease is by stopping the problem before it starts. If you can intervene with overweight children before they are fully grown, you can often help them grow into their weight and prevent them from becoming overweight adults. Some overweight children dont need to lose weight as much as they need to gain weight at a slower rate. (Discroll) Moving on, some children do not need to lose weight, but need help growing into the weight they already have. They can use help to slow the rate at which they gain weight, making it easier for them to grow into it. Plus, the health risk faced by children with the disease of child obesity is immense. THE ELEMENT OF SATIRE WITH RESPECT TO CHAUCERS Essay More than 70 percent of all cases persist into adulthood (Mellin). Obesity during adult years is associated with increased rates of diseases such as hyperinsulinemia, coronary heart disease, angina, atherosclerosis, various cancers, orthopedic problems, and gout along with many other short-term and psychosocial consequences of obesity in children. Thus, with the technology in today`s society the problem with child obesity has largely intensified. The management of obesity and overweight in children is an important issue. Before obesity can be treated in children, it would be helpful to have a marker to identify children who would likely become overweight or obese in adulthood. The parents and children can get a jump on what they need to do to beat this disease. The fight will not be easy but with the .
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