Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Disc 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Disc 1 - Essay Example The human and resources department in many companies fill the gap of motivating the employees by ensuring that they retain the talent in the company (Kokemuller, 2009). Companies like coca-cola have for a long time rewarded and created an environment for its employees to grow and be innovative in their respective roles. The company offers further training to talented staff at Coca-Cola University (Coca-Cola Company, 2011). The incentives are fostered by the human and resources department that identifies talented employees and avails the incentives to develop for them. The Human and resource department plays significant roles that are crucial to helping the company achieve its goals and objectives. The department plays the central role of rewarding the hard working employees by pay rises and promotions (Kokemuller, 2013). Kokemuller, N. (2013, July 22). Functions That the HR Attempts to Fulfill in Any Organization. Retrieved may 21, 2014, from Chron: Richard, L. (2013, June 01). Top Three Recommendations for Implementing an HR Strategy in an Organization. Retrieved June 22, 2014, from Chron:
Monday, October 28, 2019
Working Effectively in the Aviation Industry with Aborigines
Working Effectively in the Aviation Industry with Aborigines Working Effectively in the Aviation Industry with Aborigines in Australia As the aviation industry in Australia is ever growing, its importance is also due to the fact that Australia is located on an island. This means that aviation, along with the shipping industry, provides the only means of connection to the rest of the world. Around 16 million passengers come to Australia yearly and 90% of them travel through air. The total number of licensed pilots in Australia now are about thirty thousand six hundred and seventy six with about one thousand seven hundred licensed helicopter pilots. The Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) is responsible for the safety of aircrafts and passengers and to overlook the entire aviation industry. All institutions are based on their professional cultures which are formed by different people who form the basis of that industry. The Australian aviation system is formed by people of different ethnicities and backgrounds. Like any other industry, its professional culture is heavily affected by Australias national culture. Starting from the native Australians to the modern-day immigrants, all form the basis of Australias aviation industry. While institutional racism is prevalent in Australia, this practice in the aviation industry is much less common. (Race and racism in Australia, 1988). Institutional racism refers to the way beliefs are incorporated in the social system that results in discrimination against a certain minority group. It also includes any activity; words or actions that may be derogatory to a certain group of people. (Its just how youve been brought up! An Aboriginal perspective on the relationship between the law, racism and mental health, 2001). Often times, institutional racism is covert or even unrecognized by the agents involved in it. Like every other workplace, institutional racism against aborigines in Australia is an important issue. At the same time, some writers may be biased about the role of aborigines in aviation industry, rendering them as formless, transitory, and today undefinable in character. (Local Group Composition Among the Australian Aborigines: A Critique of the Evidence From F ieldwork Conducted Since 1930, 1970). Another point that they raise is that aborigines are not fond of adapting to the new system. They would rather not work in an environment where they have to adapt. There is also a communication gap, which makes it difficult for the aborigines to adjust. Despite the popular trend and literary proofs, it has been observed that racism in Australia is within bounds. Aborigines along with other ethnic groups are given a fair chance to play effective roles at every organizational level. While there may be a communication gap, the importance of teamwork is recognized by all groups and applied at every level. It is well recognized and understood by all employees that the basis of their organization lies in the teamwork and mutual respect of every individual. The main job of the aviation industry is to facilitate their passengers and ensure their safety and to take them to their respective destinations despite their differences in class, caste and financial status. It is said that the safety and efficacy of the aviation industry is based on three cultures, its national, professional and organizational culture and all three shape how the aviation industry performs nationally and globally. (Helmreich, 1998.) For any organization to excel, it must overcome its cultural tendencies that are hindering its progress and strive to work effectively in a team-based environment. It is essential to recognize that everyone has their own designated roles in an organization. Like how a pyramid cannot stand without its base, an organization cannot stand without its employees. This is why the aviation industry in Australia is blooming. Because despite their differences they realize that they have a single goal. My experience in communicating and working with people from different ethnic backgrounds has always been positive. Since it has only been my first year as an aviation student, I have yet to have the opportunity to work alongside an Aboriginal person. However, the following is an example of how I think culture can affect communication effectiveness and the hazards that can happen as a result. During the stall-training lesson of my flight training, I was heading back towards Parafield Airport with my instructor, who is an Australian national without an Aboriginal background. I decided to use the Torrens Island Power Station as a reference point towards Parafield and fly into its direction. Shortly before passing over the power station, the instructor quickly instructed me to change my heading and diverted the aircraft south of the power station. After the flight, I was reprimanded for inducing the potential to damage the aircraft. It was at that point, I learnt that the exhaust of the power station had the potential to damage the aircrafts airframe, or even worse cause the aircraft to disintegrate mid-air. If that had occurred, the results would be disastrous with the debris of the plane falling down and causing great damage to Out er Harbor. Had I disregarded my instructors judgment, I may have caused massive damage to Outer Harbor with my aircraft. In the aviation industry, safety always comes first. If a pilot disregards safety in his or her judgment, disaster and casualties occur. This also shows the importance of communication and why effective communications is absolutely necessary in aviation industry. A small case of miscommunication may have hazardous impact, ranging from the bursting of the aircraft to causing damage to heavily crowded places, leading to loss of lives in both cases. This also creates hurdles for Thai people like myself who are not upfront about the problems and hesitate to talk to their seniors about problems. Thais generally like to be on top of their games and would rather not ask questions and lose face in front of their seniors. This may cause a huge communication gap, like in the example above. Had I not talked to my senior about the problem, we may have caused huge damage to the harbor. So far, I havent worked with anyone from aboriginal background. But I would love to experience working with them. Although we may experience some communication gaps, we share a similar goal: excelling in the service we provide to passengers and ensuring safety for the aircraft, passengers and crew that are aboard. With this in mind, we can work and learn from each other. Safety has been IATAs number one priority and they encourage aviation the industry to take all steps to ensure safety of all people involved in the aviation industry. A study done in New Zealand shows that pilots regard luck as an important factor in the safety of the aircraft (Gill, 2004). I however think that effective communication skills and following SOP guidelines is more important than just good luck. Another study has been done to measure safety in high reliability organizations (HROs) using the traditional measures of incident and accident reporting during periods of deliberate organizational change (Lofquist, 2010). This also encourages the promotion of healthy environment and importance of team work, and how effective teamwork can overcome all sorts of hurdles, may it be language barriers or communication gaps. References: Birdsell, J.B., 1970. Local group composition among the Australian Aborigines: a critique of the evidence from fieldwork conducted since 1930. Current Anthropology, 11(2), pp.115-142. McConnachie K, Hollingsworth D, Pettman J. 1988. Race and racism in Australia. Bolt RJ. 2001. Its just how youve been brought up! An Aboriginal perspective on the relationship between the law, racism and mental health. Helmreich, Robert. 1998. Building Safety on the Three Cultures of Aviation. Gill, G.K. and Shergill, G.S., 2004. Perceptions of safety management and safety culture in the aviation industry in New Zealand. Journal of Air Transport Management, 10(4), pp.231-237. Lofquist, E.A., 2010. The art of measuring nothing: The paradox of measuring safety in a changing civil aviation industry using traditional safety metrics. Safety science, 48(10), pp.1520-1529.
Friday, October 25, 2019
A Wish of Rain :: Essays Papers
A Wish of Rain "Close your eyes and imagine," he told us. "Imagine it is late at night. A train pulls up to the place where you are standing. The doors open and the hundreds of people who were standing inside begin to jump down. A young Jewish boy of sixteen and his family are among this tired, hungry, beaten crowd. Eventually, they are separated into two lines; the boy and his father are pushed into one line, his mother and sister into the other. Then they are marched off into the night. "I was never to see my mother and sister again. I was in the line to live." The speaker, a survivor of the Holocaust, told his story and many more one bright, warm summer day at Birkenau, a concentration camp in Poland. His audience of American students listened enthralled and horrified as he told of his struggles to stay alive in the camp during World War II, the struggles of six million Jews caught up in the terror. I remember wishing it would rain. That day at Birkenau held no warmth or brightness. It was a day of realizations and acceptances. In a way, it marked a passage from innocence and naivety to a greater understanding of human nature. For me, there were no more denials. I had always known about the Holocaust, even before I took the literature course that would bring me to Poland, yet deep-down I could never truly accept it. I found it difficult to believe that one man in his hatred of all that was good and decent could condemn a people to death or that a nation could stand blindly by and let it happen. I wanted to believe in human compassion and understanding. Thus, it was easy to pretend that the stories were exaggerated or sensationalized. Now, I feel as though I know too much. I never thought I could get so emotionally involved, but after living closely with it for three weeks, I could not help but become involved. It became increasingly more difficult to deny or to remain detached once the truth began to unfold. I did not like the feelings it evoked in me or the unanswered questions it left me with. My mind balked. Yet, to run my hand over the wooden bunks in the barracks, to walk on the same hard-packed earth, to look out over barbed-wire fences and empty guard towers and just to know that I stood in the spot where they breathed their last, I believed.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Iron Jawed Angels Toulmin
Of the many distinct qualities a person may hold, Leadership has become one of the greatest. A leader is someone recognized because of their undying courage, strength, and passion as well as many other notable qualities. Grounds: A leader is someone who stands out from the crowd and takes charge to accomplish a task or goal. For example, in the movie, Iron Jawed Angels, Alice Paul showed great leadership in her fight for woman's suffrage. She not only went against the odds but she also took command by starting the WON, separating herself from NASA.Alice Paul showed strength and courage as she picketed in front of the White House as well as starving herself in prison, starting a hunger strike. Another prime example of leadership is Lucy Burns, who was a visionary that took action in fighting for woman's rights alongside Alice. After being thrown into a woman's prison, Burns demands the warden respect their rights, only to be cuffed with her arms above her cell door. Alice and Lucy ser ved as examples for the others through their passion and conviction.The rebellious spirit of the two younger activists is in stark contrast to the ore conservative older women. They had no vote, no political clout, no equal rights. But what they lacked under the law they made up for with brains, determination and courage. Warrants: After series of events that pushed the woman suffragists down, they came back harder and stronger with more force and even more determination. Their roles as leaders grew the more they struggled. The woman's goal to earn their right to vote was a battle that challenged not only their inner capabilities but also the success of the WON.They were brave in spite of danger, they showed wisdom in their political debates, and they gave hope to all women who were treated unequal. Their reputation followed them as their responsibility as leaders and example to others grew. Backing: During the time of war, the women saw it as an opportunity to keep fighting for the ir rights. They would not let their fight for suffrage fade as did during the Civil War. The women fought Woodrow Wilson to support the suffrage movement as well as fought Congress using the media to gain support.From hanging banners during ingression's meetings to marching the streets in Washington, Alice and Lucy held their heads high in spite of their oppressors. Their influence grew as their fight for their rights became a national conflict sweeping across America. Emily Leighton became another powerful leader who was heavily influenced by the woman suffragists. From helping fund the WON to walking out on her Democratic husband, Emily became a major figure in the suffragist's movement as well as an inspiration to all ladies. Suffragists' movement. Carrie Chapman Cast of the NASA was only a leader by title, to by her actions.She took a more passive approach to fighting for woman's rights that preferred a state-by-state approach rather than passing a constitutional amendment. Her differences with the younger activists caused conflict with the NP by closing the D. C. Committee along with accusation of using party expenditures. Cast discouraged the younger activists ways of gaining political attention along with their separation of NASA into a new woman's suffragists party. Her role as a leader was only a reflection of her power in NASA unlike the young activists who fought with earth.Qualifier: Throughout history, leaders emerge when a battle is at hand. No one can proclaim himself or herself a leader. They are born into this world, with a purpose, and a cause. They show great qualities which gives others strength. They influence those around them and give hope when there is none to be found. A leader will march first into battle but will be the last one to leave. Their inspiration and courage motivates others to fight the common cause and to never give up. Alice Paul is one of the many great leaders that will be recognized in history forever.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
The Woman Behind the Mask Essay
Social media has distorted the views and minds of young women in our society today. Due to being of the female gender, the author of Mascara, Aurelie Sheehan, empathizes with women by diving into the routes and tasks of their everyday lives. When first skimming over and reading Mascara, the mind picks up a routine of young women getting ready for an event. Sheehan is attempting to portray and reveal to the reader that society has put a false image in the minds of young womenâ€â€if they are not perfect, they are not good enough. Women have been corrupted by society into thinking they must be perfect and have become overwhelmed with doing the simple day-to-day tasks or they will not be accepted in this world. Many men today do not realize that the media is having an effect on how they see women and how they believe women should look. The author is trying to express the fact that women believe they have to become something they are not. This goes back to the title Mascara, which is the Spanish word for mask, and that is exactly what women do today. Women today have become overwhelmed and insecure, and due to the corruption in society and the media they have been tricked into thinking they must be perfect. Today many women have become overwhelmed with doing the simple day-to-day tasks. Most women get up one to two hours before actually starting their day just to feel and look presentable. Throughout the story Mascara, the phrase â€Å"and then she†is displayed in almost every sentence. This story is not just about someone’s routine but it is in fact a list. A list that most women feel they have to go though everyday or every time they are going to go out somewhere. Most women have a false perspective of what they have to look like due to the corruption in today’s society and media. The overwhelming idea that society and the media have put into young women’s minds make them feels as if they have to keep changing who they are. Many people think that women enjoy and are happy to doll themselves up everyday, when in fact everyday they are overwhelmed with trying to look a certain away for either the morning or for going out. A young woman is carrying out a routine of forty-nine things she need to do before going on a date. Needing to do this forty-nine item routine before going out has insecurity written all over it. In the last sentence of Mascara it says, â€Å"And then she went to him†young women today feel as if they need to be all dolled up for a guy. When in fact guys like girls for who they are and not for who they are trying to be. Which goes back to the title Mascara†which is the Spanish word for mask and that is exactly what women do today. They put on a mask. When the young woman in this story is putting on her makeup she applies eight items to her face. Applying all of this to her skin shows the reader how insecure she is to show her true and real self. The saying,â€Å" Yeah. She is pretty now but have you seen her without her makeup on?†, plays a key role in why so many girls are insecure with themselves. Many young women today are afraid of what others will say about them if they show their true self or their true face and this is what the short story Mascara is really about. Thinking she needs to do a forty-nine item routine to her body before going out in public, tells the reader that young women today are always being judged and ridiculed by their piers and by society. This is why young women are so insecure with themselves. Every girl today feels as if they must be perfect. No matter what every girl looks like or who they are, women will find at lest one characteristic that they would change about themselves if they could. Women are rarely happy with who they are and feel as if they need to be perfect to be accepted or liked. The sad truth is that many women will not accept that there is no such thing as perfection. Many have come close to achieving perfection, but they will never actually achieve it. â€Å"And then she realized she had forgotten to weigh herself†the woman that is being spoken about in this story does not feel perfect because she thinks she needs to weigh herself, and in weighing herself it would tell her if she has reached the weight perfection or not. Media today with all the health and weight loss magazines are very misleading to young women into thinking they must be a certain weight and have their body look a certain way or they are not skinny enough. Women have taken this false image to heart and have put themselves at risk by trying to achieve the unachievable â€Å"perfection†statues. â€Å"And then she looked in the full-length mirror†¦.and then she turned to the side to look form a different angle.†Even after completing her whole routine, she has to look in the mirror to see if she had missed anything or if she needs to change anything about herself. Women feel as if they do not just have to weigh a certain amount but also have to look a certain way too. Many women feel the need to possess certain qualities of perfection, such as perfect height, perfect weight, perfect looks, and perfect skin. These thoughts do not just randomly pop into women’s heads, it is society and the media that is putting these false hopes into their minds. For example in every magazine or on every poster the models in them have perfect bodies and you cannot find one flaw in them. There are no overweight or imperfections in the models in this form of media, which has corrupted women into thinking that looking anything other than what they see in this form of media is n ot acceptable. Many men today do not realize that the media is having an effect on how they see women and how they think women should look. The media has also put a false image in men’s heads in thinking that all women need to look the same or they are not good enough. This has put pressure on young women today because they think they need to look and be someone that they are not. A lot of women do not just wake up and look like they do every morning. Many women go though long routines and list to obtain their looks. This is displayed in the short story Mascara because a young woman does a routine of forty-nine items just to go on a date with a guy. She does not just do every thing in her routine once but rather does a few of them at least two times. Men do not realize that women put a lot of time and effort into getting ready, which men take for granted. Mascara is short story that displays the truth on what many women do before going on a date. Many women go though long routines to get ready so they can feel good about themselves. Many women have become insecure with themselves due to the false and negative images in the media that is displayed around them. Many women feel as if they need to look and act a certain way to be accepted and to not be judged by their peers. From how media shows how women are suppose to look, many women have become insecure with themselves, and feel the need to be perfect when in fact perfection is unachievable. Women today have become overwhelmed and insecure due to the corruption in society and the media, into thinking they must be perfect.
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